Nevertheless, remember to have variety in your workout routine. This routine should include exercises that target the entire abdomen along with the obliques to avoid any muscle imbalances. Additionally, a healthy diet is crucial for building a great body, and it is quintessential that one has a diet that is a rich source of lean protein.

Building a ripped abdomen takes time and having a targetted training program along with stupendous discipline and commitment levels is the only way to go to build a strong abdomen.

Let us not wait any longer and look closer at the five best lower abdomen workouts that you should add to your workout program to build ripped abs.

#1 Bicycle Crunch

This advanced variation of the crunch activates the obliques and the lower abdomen with greater intensity. This makes the bicycle crunch one of the most effective exercises when it comes to improving the core strength.


Step 1: Lie on a flat surface in a supine position with the hands placed behind the neck. Do not lock your fingers behind the head.

Step 2: Raise your lower legs such that the thighs are perpendicular to the floor.

Step 3: Pull your right leg while also moving your left arm such that they both make contact with each other above the chest.

Step 4: Pause for a moment and return to the initial position.

Repeat the same motion using the other leg to complete one rep. Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Focus on a smooth motion while performing this exercise and avoid any unnecessary torso movements.

Also read: 6 Proven Lower Ab Workouts To Have A Rock Solid Core & Reduce Belly Fat..

Next up: Hanging Leg Raise

#2 Hanging Leg Raise

The hanging leg raise is an intermediate-level strength training exercise that not only targets the abdomen but also actives the lats, obliques and the back.


Step 1: Stand in front of a pull-up bar and grab it with a shoulder-width grip. The palms should be facing away from the body and the legs should be held together during the entire duration of the exercise.

Step 2: Pull yourself upwards until the chin is just above the bar. Keep a straight back while performing this motion.

Step 3: While hanging from the bar, lift your legs towards the ceiling such that they are parallel to the ground.

Step 4: Hold the position for 60 seconds and return to the initial position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Keep your legs straight throughout the duration of the exercise for maximum efficiency.

Next up: V-Ups

#3 V-Ups

The V-Up is a very effective abdominal exercise that activates the lower and the upper abdomen without the use of any fancy gym equipment. Moreover, it is even ideal for beginners and casual trainers, thanks to its simple motion.


Step 1: Lie on a flat surface in a supine position with arms fully extended overhead. Ensure that the feet are together and the toes are pointed outwards.

Step 2: Simultaneously lift your legs and arms until the body forms a ‘V-shape.’ Keep a tight core and bend only using your hips while performing this motion.

Step 3: Hold the contraction for a moment and return to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tip: Perform this exercise while using a weighted vest or an ankle weight for added resistance.

Also, read 8 Best Ab Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Sculpted Six Packs.

Next up: Wood Chop

#4 Wood Chop

The wood chop is a wonderful exercise that targets the abdomen and the obliques with unrivalled precision. Moreover, you rotate your entire body while performing the wood chop, making it an ideal full-body workout.


Step 1: Stand beside a cable machine and grip the appropriate attachment with both the hands, with the feet placed shoulder-width apart. The arms should be fully extended and almost in line with the shoulders during initial position of the exercise.

Step 2: Pull the attachment across the body to the knee while also twisting your torso. Keep your back and the core tight while performing this motion for maximum efficiency.

Step 3: Hold the position for a second and return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tips: You could also perform this exercise using free weights for added resistance and enhanced stabilisation challenge. Perform low-to-high and the high-to-low variations to target different muscle groups.

Next up: Star Plank

#5 Star Plank

The star plank is an advanced variation of the regular plank that not only targets the abdomen but also activates the arms and the shoulders.


Step 1: Lie on the floor in a prone position and get into a high push-up position. Move your arms and legs such that the distance between them is greater than the width of the shoulders.

Step 2: Raise your body and balance it by using your palms and the feet. Ensure that the head, back and the legs form a straight line while holding the plank position.

Step 3: Hold the moment for 60 seconds and return to the initial position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Do not sag your hips towards the floor while performing the star plank.

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