The same exercises can allow the pectoral muscles to become stronger and bigger, enabling you to have a lean and muscular physique.

Effective Upper Chest Dumbbell Exercises

The following are some of the most effective upper chest dumbbell exercises you should include in your workout routine.

Ideally, you must work on all three parts on the days you train your chest. Nevertheless, it’s important you use combined exercises that focus on one part more than the other.

On that note, here are five effective upper chest dumbbell exercises for men:

1) Dumbbell Floor Press

The dumbbell floor press isn’t commonly done by bodybuilders or advanced weight lifters. However, it’s an importan upper chest dumbbell exercise, especially if you want to remove the pressure from your triceps and shoulders and focus completely on your chest.

To do a dumbbell floor press, lie down on the floor with a pair of dumbbells. Keeping your back on the floor, shoulder blades squeezed, and chest flared, proceed to do dumbbell presses.

As you’re not on a bench, your arms will not go beyond your torso and maintain pressure on your chest.

2) Incline Dumbbell Press

If there is only one compound movement that’s an effective upper chest dumbbell exercise, it would be the incline dumbbell press.

This workout helps add strength and mass, and improves stamina as well. Not only do dumbbell exercises help you become stronger, you’ll be able to improve on your joint mobility as well.

You can find the guide for incline bench press here.

3) Dumbbell Fly

Dumbbell flys are an important part of isolation exercises and must be included in your workout routine. It’s important to have isolation exercises that focus on one muscle group only.

Flys help in shaping and strengthening the pectoral muscles by forcing them to grow thicker. Moreover, dumbbell flys allow you to target the upper chest with more intensity.

4) Crush Press

The crush press is another exercise that uses dumbbells but usually works on both sides at the same time.

To do the exercise, lay on a bench with a pair of dumbbells. Joining the dumbbells together, flare your chest; arch your back, and push the dumbbells towards the ceiling using your pectoral muscles.

Squeeze your muscles at the top of the motion for a second or two before lowering the dumbbells.

5) Dumbbell Press Fly

Press flying is an exercise that incorporates two exercises at the same time. You will be doing dumbbell presses first followed by dumbbell flys. It’s a superset, but you continue to use the same weight for both exercises.

This is an effective upper chest dumbbell exercise that can be used to completely burn out and fatigue the pectoral muscles.

Bottom Line

You should combine barbells, dumbbells, bodyweight, and cables to build your chest. These variations will ensure your body does not hit a plateau, and the basic movements will make sure you’re focusing on foundational exercises as well.

To grow any muscle group, you need to consume enough protein along with staying in a calorie-surplus diet. Also, get enough rest to allow your muscles to recover, and constantly hydrate yourself.

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