Comprised of the star-studded team of Ric Flair, Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista, the group dominated WWE for 3 years, with Flair representing the past, Triple H the present, and Orton and the Animal at the time, representing the future of the company.

The team (minus Flair) briefly reunited in 2014, to face the Shield, before Batista left, and was swiftly replaced by Seth Rollins to form the Authority.

Here are 5 moments from Evolution you must see before SmackDown 1,000

The dawn of a new era

In early 2003, the Game was riding high. After vanquishing Shawn Michaels in a 3 Stages of Hell match at Armageddon a few months prior, Triple H formed a team, with the intention of building the future, whilst at the same time, having a posse to maintain his place as the top star in the present.

Speaking about the talent each man provided was an incredible promo, with Orton and Batista showing their mettle later that night, attacking and electrocuting Goldust.

The assault showed fans the audacity of the new team: take what they wanted, never let anyone stand in their way.

A Chamber of Horrors

At Summerslam 2003, the WWE Universe were witnesses to the second ever Elimination Chamber match. Featuring 6 of RAW’s top superstars, the bout saw both then-World Heavyweight Champion Triple H, and protege Randy Orton enter.

Whilst Orton was ordered to only help the Game win, the future-Viper pondered that Triple H may have been eliminated, before he entered the match.

It was the first time the fans saw dissension in the ranks, and whilst Orton would remain with the group for another year, even fans back then could see the greatness of the future 13-time World Champion.

A Flair for the Gold

In December 2003, the group had faltered slightly. Triple H had lost the title to Goldberg in September, leaving the team without any championships.

This all changed on one fateful night, appropriately titled Armageddon. Orton had captured the Intercontinental Title from Rob Van Dam early in the night, with Orton’s nemesis at the time Mick Foley making the pin.

Batista and Flair used their sway with Eric Bischoff to be entered into a Tag Team Gauntlet match, capturing the Gold from the Dudleys.

And in the main event, Triple H toppled both Goldberg and Kane, putting the group back on top, and more powerful than ever before.

The Split

When Triple H lost the World Championship at WrestleMania 20 to Chris Benoit, he simply couldn’t regain it. Over the summer, he feuded with Eugene, marking the first time in 2 years the Game had not been in the World title hunt.

Instead, it fell to Orton, who won the Gold at Summerslam 2004, a year after his first shot, in the chamber.

It was a historic night for Orton, followed by a much worse one the next night on RAW, when mid-celebration, the Legend Killer was ambushed and destroyed by his now-former teammates.

The moment showed the Game’s true colors, and clearly planted a seed in the mind of Batista, who vanquished the King of Kings months later at WrestleMania 21.

The Return

In 2014, after 4 years away from the company, the Animal returned to WWE, winning the Royal Rumble, though not the support of the crowd.

Being booed night after night, eventually broke Batista down, as he realigned himself with both the Game and Orton, uniting Evolution, in Triple H’s attempts to destroy the Shield.

Whilst the legendary team lost in back to back pay per view matches, Helmsley got his way, as mere hours after Batista quit (again), Rollins would turn on his brothers, with the WWE Universe having to wait for years to see the hounds of justice again.

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