The biceps brachii and triceps brachii are the muscles of your upper arm. The biceps muscle is located on the front of your upper arm and is composed of two heads. The triceps makes up the back of your arm and is made up of three heads.

The biceps and triceps often work in groups to create functional movement as they are located in close proximity to each other. Here are the exercises that will help you to achieve powerful and massive biceps and triceps.

#1 Close Grip Chin-Up

The close-grip chin-up is an exercise that increases strength in the back and biceps. It has dual advantage and is quite an impactful one. It targets the middle back, and the underhand grip places increased resistance on the biceps.


Step 1: Grab a chin-up bar using an underhand grip where the palms are facing towards you with both your hands placed at a distance of 5-9 inches apart.

Step 2: Allow your arms to hang in a fully extended position. This is known as the dead hang.

Step 3: Press your thighs together and make sure that your body remains rigid throughout the exercise.

Step 4: Now pull yourself self up until your upper chest or neck reaches the bar. Pause and then slowly return to the dead hang position.

Important Tip: Remember to keep your chest up and shoulders back and try to drive your elbows behind during the course of the exercise. Do 10 reps of three sets each with a break of 30 seconds in between sets.

Next Up: Dumbbell Kickbacks

#2 Dumbbell Kickbacks

The dumbbell kickback exercise helps in muscle activation. This exercise particularly works on the principle of going against gravity to move the weight.


Step 1: Stand by holding a dumbbell in each hand and drop your hips back. Pull the elbow up to torso level.

Step 2: Now extend the arms behind you by keeping the elbow in the same position and focus on contracting the triceps.

Step 3: Next lower your forearms down to about 90 degrees and repeat the exercise.

Important Tips: Do 3 sets of 12 reps each. Try to keep the upper arm stationary against the body throughout the exercise.

Next Up: Standing Hammer Curls

#3 Standing Hammer Curls

Hammer Curls draw their name from the hammer-handle-like grip you have on the dumbbell when you perform the exercise. This move will absolutely hammer your bicep muscles.


Step 1: Grip a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip (palms facing each other) and hold the weights at your sides.

Step 2: Keeping your torso stationary, flex at the elbow to raise the dumbbells towards your shoulders

Step 3: Stop just short of the dumbbell touching your shoulder. Hold at the top of the position for 1-2 seconds.

Step 4: Return the dumbbells to the starting position in a controlled manner and continue with the reps.

Tip: Do 3 sets of 12 reps each with a 15-20 seconds break in between sets. You can also perform alternating hammer curls by curling one arm at a time.

Next up: Diamond Push-ups

#5 Diamond Push-ups

This exercise emphasizes all three heads of your tricep muscles and is one of the most effective and difficult moves to execute. It requires tremendous upper body strength to perform it. If mastered correctly, it can give you great results.


Step 1: Begin by placing yourself in a plank position. Now move the position of your hands and place it under your chest.

Step 2: Spread your fingers with the thumbs and forefingers touching, making a diamond shape.

Step3: Now bend your elbows and go down until your chin or chest touches the ground. Make sure that your back is flat and not bent.

Step 4: Come back to the plank position by stretching your arms completely and repeat the same.

Important Tips: Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps each. Make sure that your torso remains rigid during the course of the exercise and abs are engaged.

Next up: Concentration Curls

#5 Concentration Curls

The concentration curl is a unique exercise because no movement is similar to it. Research has shown that if it is performed accurately, then you can achieve an exercise efficiency of around 97% for your biceps.


Step 1: Sit on a flat bench with legs spread, knees bent and feet flat on the floor with a dumbbell between your legs.

Step 2: Use either hand to pick the dumbbell up and hold with an underhand grip. Place the back of the upper arm on the top of your inner thigh on the same side. Your palm should be facing away from the thigh.

Step 3: Now keep your arms extended and curl the dumbbell up to make a smooth arc by contracting your biceps and exhaling. Hold for a second at shoulder level.

Step 4: Return to the starting position in a controlled way inhaling without swinging the arm. Use alternate arms to perform this.

Tip: Do not let the dumbbell touch the ground while performing this exercise. Do 4 sets of 8 reps each with a 15-second break in between sets.

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